
Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Disappointed But Not Surprised 

Yeah, it sucks.

I honestly (naively) thought that Americans were smarter than this and that Election 2000 was just a fluke. I can admit that I was wrong there's no problem in my mind about that--but I am surprised that Americans can cast their vote for a corrupt and stupid Republican administration that has caused nothing but deficits as far as the eye can see, conducted a war of agression that has killed hundreds of thousands, and ignored many social problems here at home. I thought we were more enlightened than this result of Election 2004 would indicate.

It seems that there is a dangerous slip to the Right here in America.

Both houses of Congress and the Presidency? Oh, yeah, the Judiciary too. All have fallen into control by the right-wing. What the hell is going on? What happened to the heart of America? The values of sharing and honest leadership? Now, it seems as if we're just out for ourselves: "screw those who are not like us--either the same ethnicity or economic status."

That's not the America I believe in. That's the vision formed by some evil, selfish ideology that has taken over control of this country. More evidence about the dumbing down of America. Simplifying issues for a busy and uninformed electorate who don't care or have the ability to see the bigger world picture.

I am not proud of my country at this moment. It does not represent my views of what we have achieved in 230 years of democracy. I am an American, but not an American in the image of what we have become. America is now a nation that has placed religion at the forefront of its policies; dividing further the natural divisions that make us unique as a country. We're further polarized now on so many issues than at any other time in our history.

Well, as much as I hate to say it, I must say that America will get what it deserves. We'll destroy Social Security, continue running up deficits, fight more wars of agression, and decline in the world view. Our children will, unfortunately, reap what we have sown. I feel sorry for the next generations. What have we done to them?

At least all the campaigning is over with--for that small change I am happy.

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