
Saturday, August 30, 2003

Recovery Impossible 

My latest bout with the local virus is almost over. It's taken a toll, no doubt, but hopefully this will set me up for a sickness-free winter. Ha.

Mentally, though, things are still suspect.

Drugs and therapy. What's the point? I have yet to figure that one out. If the goal is to be happier then it has yet to reach that far. I suspect that all of this is for the benefit of the health and insurance communities rather than for the patient.

Lately, it seems that everything I do is cursed. I destroy friendships, jobs, and my future. Would someone please tell me why any of this matters? It seems like I've been on this treadmill forever.

When will I ever learn?

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Creative Beauty 

A few days ago I posted a comment about the lack of good films until the fall season.

Last night, however, I watched a film at the local art house that was beautiful, haunting, and very interesting. It was also a good film by my definition. I'm recommending Northfork as one film not to miss. It's the latest effort by the Polish brothers, a creative team not unlike the Coen brothers but with a Lynchian vision geared more toward art than humor.

One web site I constantly check out is rottentomatoes.com. This invaluable site collects reviews from all over the web that you can link to individually. They also do film fans a great service by posting a composite score based on the positive to negative reviews a film receives. If the majority of reviews are positive the film earns a solid, red tomato label, otherwise it's a splattered green icon.

So, before venturing out to the local multiplex check out the reviews. It's your hard-earned cash and I think you really ought to know what you're buying before you get there.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Sick Sucks 

Summer colds. Blech.

Not that winter colds are any better, but at least you've got the weather to blame for being sick. Plus colds go so much better with the long nights of winter as there's more time to lay about in bed high on Nyquil.

Is there any any sure cure for the summer cold? Vitamin C with rose hips, chicken soup, and Dayquil are a few of my old favorites. Anyone else have a homepathic remedy to share?

But I'm sure by the weekend I'll be back on my feet.

Also, for those of you slightly curious about how my concession shift went last weekend, let me just say that it was fun. Yes, fun. No sarcasm here. I messed up a few times on some cash register buttons but managed to make it through without any big problems. I'm looking forward to my next concession shift.

Until then, time for more OTC drugs.

Saturday, August 23, 2003

A First For Everything 

Hey. DTM here on a rainy (finally) Saturday morning just before I embark on my first ever concession shift at a movie theatre.

When I started out in the biz oh so many years ago I was a projectionist, a janitor, and sometimes an usher. Oh sure, I'd help sell popcorn and other treats once in a while, but never as a scheduled concessionist.

As such, it'll be a treat for everyone in the local area to come out and harass me as I work. Laugh, clown laugh.

On the positive side (as my therapist would entreat me to say) I took a BIG step this week by enrolling in graduate school. Fifteen years after I completed my undergraduate degree I am returning to academia in order to pursue a Masters in Secondary Education. With any luck, in about 20 months or so, I will be licensed to teach high school in Arizona and maybe Minnesota.

Hopefully there are still some smart brain cells left in my cranium so I won't embarass myself too much as I try and fall back into the fold.

Only time will tell.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

It Rhymes With Crime 

It's not a psycho-babble analysis, at least I hope not, but after a couple of psychiatric sessions I've been diagnosed with a mental condition called disthymia. It sounds kinda cool, huh?

Well, actually, it's not. I'm fortunate not to be suffering from other, more destructive, psychological diseases, however, disthymia in my case manages to keep me from really enjoying my life. I can at least function very close to normal on the outside while battling the God-awful demons on the inside.

Boo-hoo, huh? Depression and other mental illnesses shouldn't be taken too lightly--there are millions of women, men, and children who are impaired to some degree at this very moment with some form of psychological condition. Who knows? You or someone you know may be living with some type of depression and not even know it.

I strongly suggest that if you've ever had any hint or suspicion that you or a person close to you has suffered from depression at any time that you seek out more information. One really good place to start is the National Institute for Mental Health web site publication on depression.

There's no shame in getting help for depression. In my case, I'm only in the early stages of treatment, but I can already see signs of improvement. I'm NOT a doctor nor am I offering any medical advice here, but believe me, getting help is so much better than the alternative. I can't begin to tally the dumb things I've done to myself and to others because of my condition. It can only get better.

Thanks to ALL of you who have stuck with me this far in my life. I am embarassed and ashamed for having been a first-class idiot to friends and family who've been puzzled, shocked, and amused by my "grumpy" or bizarre behaviour over the years. Depression clouds rational thought processes. It also keeps many talented people from realizing their full potential.

Skeptical or supportive? I need to hear from you. Your feedback is important for the continued growth of A Man Named Dana.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

The Cranky Critic 

So its the end of summer and time for another theatre-load of awful films at least until the holiday season arrives.

The product Hollywood has released this summer has been a bit disappointing. My favorite film of the past three months has been Finding Nemo although T3 and Pirates of the Caribbean were two other close favorites.

Check out the newest trailers at the Apple Quicktime site. You need a fairly fast DSL or cable modem connection for these trailers to load fast enough, plus a Quicktime player or plug-in to make it all work smoothly.

One film you'll want to check out is Anything Else, the latest Woody Allen effort that stars the always enjoyable Christina Ricci and an Allenesque Jason Biggs. Has the Woodmeister been able to reinvent himself for younger audiences? Check it out on September 19th.

Short of that I'm not really looking forward to anything really awesome on the big screen this fall.

Most of the real gold will be on DVD instead. Check out the link to the Amazon Hot 100 DVD's on the upper left of this site for a preview of current and upcoming releases.

With that, it's time to peruse more trailers and web sites. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Barrels of Blood 

Hmmm, a friend convinced me to check out Freddy VS. Jason last Friday, so I did.

A movie like this is critic-proof so I won't bore you with my thoughts. I will say that I was surprised at the large number of young families with pre-teen children attending this flick.

I guess television these days is too tame for even young minds.

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Happy Birthday Roy 

No, it's not my birthday, not yet anyway.

My dear old father, Roy Q. Harris, turns 69 years of age today. Happy birthday Pops!

I will not be speaking to him today or probably anytime in the future. This little post will have to suffice. You see, my old man has not been a regular part of my life since 1971--shortly after the birth of my only sister, Eve. My folks divorced in the fall of 1972 and my contact with Daddy has been limited to two appearances, a couple of phone calls, and a dozen or so Christmas cards.

Even though Roy's physical presence in my life has been nil, his psychological influence has been HUGE in my life for the past 32 years.

A lot of who I am and what I am is due to the "loving" efforts of the man who gave me life and then split. I mean, I don't care so much that he didn't get along with my mom and they divorced, but sheesh, you'd think a man would support and show just a tad bit of interest in his son. Of course, I've not exactly tried reaching out to the old guy, but was that my responsibility?

But I don't want to get mired in a big discussion about fatherhood and my Dad's faults. After all, it's the man's birthday--doesn't that mean something?

So, here's to you Pops, wherever you are--you're one hell of a guy and one hell of a great father. Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Vitamin Z 

Another week has flittered by without my blog updates. I'm sure you're all upset with me to some degree. For that, I apologize most profusely. I only hope that I can entertain you with this update and retain your loyalty to the site.

Most of the past week has been a blur. I've been putting in a TON of hours at the local multiplex cinemas without a break. Remember, I was "dismissed" from my career job of seventeen years this past May and I'm only now getting my act together. I expect to make some MAJOR announcements in this space shortly regarding my future plans.

A few things I've found entertaining lately include the television hit Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and Zoloft. Why? Because both remind me that life can be fixed if you only apply the right tools. The TV show makes me think that there is hope for fashionless morons out there like me and Zoloft gives me real hope that someday I'm going to be a stunning success.

Better living through modern chemistry.

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